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Boyau de radiateur droit Gold Label® pour véhicules lourds de Dayco

juillet 26, 2021

Dayco GOLD LABEL® Heavy-Duty Straight Radiator Hose

77075GL TP Web

Designed for a wide range of heavy-duty truck applications where the routing is relatively straight.

The Dayco GOLD LABEL® heavy-duty straight radiator hose is made with the highest quality woven mesh fabric reinforcement, neoprene cover and nitrile tube compounds to withstand the most corrosive elements in diesel engines. Providing protection from oil, coolants, coolant additives and heat, with a temperature rating of -40˚F (-40˚C) to +212˚F (+100˚C), this hose meets SAE requirements J20R1, Class B Tube, Class C Cover, standard wall construction.

*NOT suitable for fuel or oil transfer.